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  • 京华提示:同等质量比价格,同等价格比服务,货真价实才是硬道理!!



Our company adheres to the enterprise service tenet of quality first and customer first. In order to ensure the normal rights and interests of users, our company

 makes the following commitments to the construction and after-sales service of engineering and products:

1. The raw materials for the products and projects undertaken by our company will be strictly selected according to the material manufacturers implementing 

national standards. Various orderly quality assurance measures will be implemented during the construction and manufacturing processes to ensure that the 

engineering products meet the quality requirements of process and technical indicators.

2. During the construction and manufacturing process of this engineering product, we accept inspection, acceptance, and guidance from relevant units and 

personnel commissioned by them at any time. Our factory personnel will actively cooperate to ensure that the project is in a state of inspection by all parties 

at all times, to ensure that the quality of the engineering product is in the best state.

3. After the delivery and construction of engineering products are completed and accepted for use, our factory will provide free maintenance for the 

engineering products within one year (not caused by human damage or natural disasters). If users encounter quality issues during use, we will promptly arrive 

at the site for repair upon receiving any notification from the user. After one year, our factory will continue to provide maintenance services for the project, 

but will charge a certain cost according to the situation.

Jinghua promises: one-year warranty, ten-year warranty, good quality, and enthusiastic service!!

After sales service supervision email: jhfrp@tom.com

电话:010-87695555 / 87690555
地址:Room 1292, North Bank, Building 8, 4th Floor, Creative Life Park, No. 1292, Courtyard A1, Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 068
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